Project Asia Inc.  

About our Total Care System

At Project Asia we offer an all inclusive Total Care System that shortens the work for both the workers and employers.

We start the procedure by interviewing all the qualified candidates for our recruitment program, in person and in depth. Afterwards we train those who were selected in the interview stage. The training may include skill, language & culture depending on situational needs.

While the training is going on we also start the legal process including thing such as visa application, approval of Human Resources Department Canada and so on. After everything has been processed the workers brought into Canada.

Upon arrival all the transportation and accommodations are arranged for each worker. They are usually placed in a location near the jobsite or the company. Even after the workers start their job we constantly provide assistance should any special needs arise. We provide all the resources we can to provide an easy environment for the workers ensuring the morale and productivity of the worker which in turn helps the employers as well.

Please refer to our flowchart for a whole picture of our Total Care System process.






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